The Venue for the Avenue of the Revenue
It's at your fingertips RIGHT NOW!
In the 2nd Day Dimension, "Money Cometh to me, NOW!"
But in the 3rd Day Dimension of HIS Unlimited Glory, "Money Goeth FROM me, NOW!"
We become conduits and channels of expression for Kingdom Resources, Diversified Wealth, Harvest, and Breakthrough, and abundance. For the Earth is the Lord's and the Fullness thereof, the World and they that dewll therein. Psalms 24:1
We are by being and by divine purpose, the Venue for the Avenue of the Revenue. We are postured and positioned to release MONEY from Spirit, to soul, to Body. For the highest source for our resource is GOD! The Highest Kind of Wealth is the ONENESS of God and Man {AT-ONE-MENT}, or I AM that I AM. I and MY Father are ONE. Did you get that? Not i am that I AM, but I AM that I AM. In one passage of the Old Covenant, the Lord will not share his glory with another, or in new rendering, "Not share HIS glory with that which is inferior or less than HIMSELF, something or someone which thinks of himself unworthy, inferiority and martyr complex, con-dammed or doomed {Condemnation - Romans 8:1-2 or in a way of thinking...Damnation}...of themselves .
Why, for God knows Himself within HIMSELF, He only knows God and the LIFE which springs out of HIM. He cannot share HIS core values with anyone or anything which denigrates or devalues HIS essence. He wants union, not onion...And when we are in HIS communion, we totally become ONE within HIS union, all things become by change of perception and paradigm ONE-Der-FULL, full of HIS wonder, the Awe in Awesome...
So don't cast your pearls before swine, and give not that which is HOLY to dogs. Truth is, we have all things that pertains to LIFE and godliness, and it is time, yea, High Time, to say what HE is seeing, and see what he is Saying. He will hasten HIS word to perform what we see!!!
So for a brief Confession say with me...
I AM kingdom resource
I AM wealth and prosperity
I AM abundance of HIS good pleasure
I AM a Multi-Dimensional Kingdommaire
I AM a conduit and vehicle of HIS expression
I AM Living from HIS Unlimited Glory
I AM a Humanitarian and Ambassador of HIS resources
I AM generous and gracious to giving {Living}
I AM superabounding in all things
I AM the expressed IMAGE {Imagination} of HIS Person
I AM functioning with Focus in God's Economy
I AM well off and well on...
I AM a good steward in all of HIS affairs
I AM Prospering Exceedingly
I AM THAT...Whatever HE wants me to BE
I strongly sense that there is a tremendous release from the HIGH Priest to cause you to Excel and to Exceed through HIS kingdom Seed, a rhythm and walk producing a divine sort of Stampede, a dimension of the Spirit that man cannot Impede, and a glory road without covetous Greed. It is a realm where we will not beg nor PLEAD, but a dimensional shifting where we must take Heed, that the release of HIS unlimited GLORY says, Guarenteed! He who the SON sets free is free INDEED and in their DEEDs!
Beloved, you don't merely get what you deserve, rather, you get...
1 - What you Picture {Eyes of your understanding flood with Photizo, as in photo...Ephesians 1:18}
2 - What you Focus {Focus, not Hocus Pocus}
3 - What you Say {Abundance of the heart the mouth {not Moth} Speaks
4 - What your Dominate thoughts are - patterns in us that are attracting things to us...{As a man thinks in his heart, so is he}
5 - What you Reward {Give kind responses, good manners, compliments, approbation and praise to others, and it will come right back to you, and sometimes in surprising ways}
For the next few moments, take a look at the pictures we provide for you below and say what you see in what the Lord is SEEING and SAYING. Receive now money in the Spiritual dimension, spilling over into and through the soul {Renewed Mind or Soul-er Energy, hahaha}, and animated through the body. God is simply not giving away money, but searches and seeks throughout the earth those whom HE can trust with His TRUST and Kingdom Resources!
He wants good stewards in the earth, not money grubbers and self-centered peoples. God desires to reveal revelation unto revolution that HIS source sets the course for accomplising Kingdom objectives and initiatives, strategies, and designs, patterns and purposes, and pre-destinations. Wealth is not alone money, but is a way of LIFE. How we live, what we think and believe produces corresponding actions and will tell us who we really are {or acting like} in God's scheme of things. We don't necessarily need money from the lower dimension, we Need HIM who is ALL-2-Gether Lovely, and we shall receive and release HIM in the earth in a myriad of ways.
Yes, we can pray in faith for money and resources, but in the Melchisedec Order, we simply release the Word of the Kingdom, a Universal Blessing, an Eternal Blessing, a Verbal Blessing...and things appear. We call forth HIS word, HIS sound, and HIS manifest Presence as possessor's of Heaven and Earth, and the impartational and generational blessing of Melchisedec speaks fluently into nations and generations to come. It is Transitional, Transformational, & Trans-Generational...
I want you to see yourself from Glory to Glory, from Dimension into Dimension, not mere steps and levels, but in Multi-Dimensional shiftings, from the Glory of the Sun, Moon, Stars, realms of Glory...1 Cor. 15
From Heaven to Earth...First the Spiritual, than the Natural...In purpose, destiny, and God's divine design, see yourself prospering in all realms of LIFE, not just one who desires to go to heaven, but as one sent from heaven to Earth, the Word which goes forth out of HIS mouth not returning unto himself Void, but accomplishing what HE pleases, and prospering wherever and whomever HE sends you to...Isaiah 55:11 or 55 and 11 equaling 66, or as in the 66 books, coming in the volume or volumn of the Book of LIFE...but there is more to the unfolding glory of HIS story...including the many things Jesus did, that all of the books of the known world then could not contain the Spirit of the WORD. Truth is written in our hearts, and a continuance of Himself is made manifested throughout time. More can be said of what Christ has DONE...
Create your own story or journey here. Review each picture, and write down your own expressions of the glory of God from heaven and Earth taking shape in your Life to become receivers and dispensers of HIS wealth and resources, and abundant supply. Apply each picture and formulate your own expressions and thoughts within the context of God's provision and plan for your LIFE. See yourself in each of these, growing in leaps and bounds...When you see it, SAY it!
Labels: Abundance, Avenue, Business Finance, Increase, Moeny, Revenue, Venue
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