The Vision of Goals
Being that we are a kingdom people, not swayed to the left nor right by the current trend of things, we find new strength and energy, POWER-fuel for rocket launching, and a new source of internal and eternal resources for living in an external world. We are changing our world through eternal motivation, which is a far cry difference than external motivation. We elicit strategies and designs for relevant kingdom living and apostolic technologies... We then, can honestly affirm that we are not sitting on the edge of night ready to escape the future, but to embrace it in the now. We then, create a new personal environment through well defined core values, an open heavens, and for what we are given for in earth. Not forgetting, we are acknowledging in part and parcel that we want to better our own world and improve our serve to humanity as the Lord pours us out {from those internal and quickening resources within us} to be a strategic blessing unto others.
For that is the true nature of a true millionaire, in wanting to better mankind, bless others, to give back, and to change our world through dominion. It is when we are poured out {Get it, not merely in getting a blessing but BE-coming a blessing} to be a vital blessing unto others that the highest kind of wealth there is manifested through the diversities of kingdom instrumentation and technologies.
While we are on the brief mentioning of Blessings, let us bear in mind 4 important aspects of blessings...
1 - We are Born A Blessing, the blessing of HIS glory - in HIM and He in Us, before the foundation of the world...The Blessing stems from the eternal, the Mind of God, the Pre-ordained and Pre-fixed revelation of who you are and who HE is in us, Born to BE, Born to DO - and this is where much of the warfare against the saints have arisen, not in any attempt of the evil one to steal your stuff, your toys, and goods, but to challenge and confront you and me in the eternal blessing of which we are BORN to BE. Romans 8:28-30; Jeremiah 1:5; Isaiah 55:11...In one sense, it has nothing to do with us, but all to do with HIM who is altogether lovely. It is an assault of the enemy against HIS image - Genesis 1:26-28. It is why Job himself was greatly tested, for the Lord had already boasted on Job from the beginning...That conversation concerning Job was far into the mind of the Lord and revealed in time way later in the events surrounding and concerning Job...It was an ordained test...
2 - We are blessed to be a blessing and gift unto others, personal and practical, in deeds and actions, for a man does not have to open his mouth alone to reveal who he is, but in his actions which stems from his internal states, his inward representation, the photo snapshot he has taken of himself inside.
3 - We are blessed to speak a blessing with our MOUTHS, as Melchisedec did with Abram, a regenerative and generational blessing...which quickens and activates others into their destination, their posterity, and generations to come...Genesis 14 and Isaiah 58:12-14
4 - We are blessed tangibly, in our whole constitution, not alone in spiritual or heavenly places. We can enjoy lawful and legitimate physical blessings as we do the heavenly, for we know our position and posture in the earth. Deuteronomy 28... In all of these we are to BLESS the Lord always, and forget not HIS benefits...
NOW, in this section, we look at the integrity of setting forth the vision of goals, pursuits, plans, and expectations. We all have them, in one form or another, and for some, there are goals and pursuits so far back in time that they appear antiquated. In some things it appears to have become languid, weak, and without strength. Nevertheless, we want to encourage you in your journey and in the Quickening Spirit of the Last Adam that it is a blessing to have a vision of goals, as true vision comes from the presence of the Lord, the very Spirit and breath of God. In Joel 2:28, by the outpouring of HIS Spirit we prophesy, dream dreams, and see {receive and become} visions.
They are transmitted from eternity into our time, thoughts and waves of communication not normally obtained in the informational world. We get them from God, because we come from HIM and return to him in the law of circularity. We are prewired to follow pursuit of all that HE is and all that HE does. We have this inner sense of accomplishing something in life, the doing based on the revelation of our being, something which must be manifested in our lifetime. We know in our knower that we are cut out for something and someone, hand picked, and pre-selected in divine election. We have this sore travailing from the inside that just won't quit. It is a divine restlessness and discontent and a birth of HIS desire. Isaiah 66:6-9. Like Rachel of old, we say "Give me children lest we die!"
When I was stabbed in the abdomen in 1974 in my hometown of Baltimore, Maryland, and died momentarily due to complications in 1975, my destiny and life were revealed to me in my death, my epiphany or defining moment. My closest mentor later spoke to me that the Lord had already revealed purpose and plans in my heart and that the time of such intersection at the crossroads of life and death was the time the Lord chose to reveal to me His secret. After coming out of the brief death, my understanding of the scriptures were increased manifold, and I felt somewhat weird {or was that wired} in my daily endeavors. Anywhere and everywhere I went, I had a hard a somewhat difficult and challenging time adjusting to the material world I lived in. Nothing made any sense, and I begin to find more fiends than friends. I had came back to this side of sonship, as if I were in a strange new world {I can here the theme music now of the old school Star Trek Series}. My perception and focused changed, and I felt out of place.
Today, I understand now why the buffeting, the scourging, and the testing. I understand why the pressures that mounted, and why the harsh criticisms for believing in things outside the range of institutional church thinking. I never could fit in the ecclesiastical in-crowd. What I was given to be and to do were even beyond my own expectations and heart-felt sentiments, but in coming to grips with this, I set forth a vision full of goals and pursuits that would ultimately reveal why I was born. From Paul's 3rd heaven experiences in 2 Corinthians 12:1-4, I can relate to this as well.
I even spoke with Theresa on a number of occasions referencing how she became a part of this through our marriage. She affirmed that in her conscious mind that the journey was not what she had initially expected or intended at the first, but yet, inwardly, she sensed that somewhere all along she know that she was destined to walk this walk. Just yesterday, she came to me and enlarged my heart with some of the most precious and profound words ever spoken. I bless her for that, and 2-gether becoming a new model and pattern or posterity for others. In our poverty, we made many rich. In our weakness, we made many strong. In our suffering we helped many to overcome. In our seemingly delayed days we launched others forward into the work of the ministry. In our hunger we fed 100's of thousands with the proceeding word of the Lord. In our destitution, we clothed many with over 400,000 books worldwide free of charge. Because of HIS vision, we made it our life work to give PRO-vision to countless many in their own DI-vision, even through our continued RE-VISION of things.
It got to the point where it seemed like most things in life did not matter much to us. But then we did not want to become a victim or mentally crippled in thinking we had to be the ultimate and enduring sacrifice for countless others either. Like the 7th separation of Abraham, we willingly gave up to the Lord the closest thing to our hearts. {Is there a testimony in the house? Smile}. For if you want what you feel the Lord would have U to have, then give it away. You get what you give away. For no man can be fully accepted until he is fully rejected, and that is an important kingdom principle. In the midst of God allowing for a place of rejection, we become re-injected and power-fueled {not fooled, lol} into continuance in well doing, for we reap if we faint not...
And consider this, God will not allow anything to happen to you that will not bring glory and honor to him. If it is happening, and permitted by God for the bigger picture than the painting, though negative as it seems, or grueling in its delicate process, it will bring glory to him. Like it or not, God made the storm with us in mind. And in the midst of our most harrowing of concerns and circumstances, and though the earth is shaking and the fire is burning, God is revealing
HIMself... ...................................................................................................................... A goal is defined in the American Heritage Dictionary as "The purpose toward which an endeavor is directed; objective. The finish line of a race." Now that wasn't a bad definition was it? I mean, there are some people in the earth who don't value personal goals and pursuits for their health, wetly, and life enrichment. I have met some who once said "It's all about Jesus, Jesus, Jesus and nothing else!" To plan is to be in the flesh, while without saying it suggested that to fail or to become disoriented is a sure sign that God is being glorified." Meaning, to make plans and pursuits in life is to denigrate or to devalue something spiritual some would exclaim. However, just look at some peoples lives today and see how wreckless and unstable one can become through distorted images and appeals of unchallenged self.
Just watch how easy it becomes to renege on the responsibility of our response to HIS ability... Anyone can have some formative setting for reaching goals, something determined and set forth for accomplishment and personal achievement. Theresa and me have them, based on our vision and purpose, and on our values the things that we stand for, and the love that we share one with another. We have pursuits and interests in the betterment of our life, and in the means through which we can better serve our family and others as well. I lavish with approbation and praise any man or woman who desires to succeed in life, not alone in merely being successful, but in being authentic. Not alone in church settings, but in the world. For to despise someone Else's prosperity is to despise our own.
Therefore, we celebrate others cheerfully. We ascertain information {which is becoming personal transformation} from the social streams of life that is not found in verbatim in the scripture or read from the surface, but is as sacred as the principle of the word as discovered in many of today's self-help and motivational coaching manuals of life. If the Lord wants to speak to you and me through Robert Kyosaki's book, "Rich Dad Poor Dad," then so be it. If the children of the word per se, are more wiser than the so-called children of the light, then let us make friends with mammon as Jesus said, and not burn all bridges for not espousing tongues, spiritual gifts, and hallelujahs. Let us be open to the voice and mind of the Spirit so that he can download anything we desire in him, and through any means he feels necessary. ................................................................................................
So what's your story beloved? Got a vision of goals? Is life merely about deadlines or lifelines? Is the Lord quickening within you purpose and plans? What is your strategy? Below are 12 important things to consider in the vision of GOALS... 1 - We are not to merely set {some have sat too long} goals, but desire and plan in God's grace to reach them. We don't just talk about our goals, but we talk FROM our goals. We picture in our minds what we believe is right for us, and we get a mental image of it inside, taking a snapshot from within, the INTERNAL encountering the ETERNAL, so that we can focus and function with purpose in the EXTERNAL world. You get what you picture... Simply put, we talk from them {You see yourself as already there, O taste and see that the Lord is good...}, not from poor memories, but with a bold new and creative imagination.
Create an internal state of expectation not based on what happens to you, as happiness is often the result of what happens to one another. Create an inward state that is consistent all of the time, regardless of the outcome. Remember this, the Lord is not in the business of just making us happy, but JOY comes from the LORD. Happiness is the result of our response to God and his blessings for us. But with joy, it takes happiness into a consistent state, for the JOY of the LORD is our STRENGTH. In James 1:2, count it all joy, the moral character of the kingdom. See JOY as JOY unspeakable, and FULL of GLORY.Nehemiah 8:10; Psalms 16:11; 1 Peter 1:8; 1 John 1:4 A good example of talking FROM your goals is when you sit and envision who and what you are a few minutes a day. It is like playing the basketball game in your mind through meditation before physically playing the actual game itself. Michael Jordan did this, and became one of the greatest basketball stars of all. He won the game in his mind. Another example is when you desire a home.
on't just desire it, start walking towards it, sampling it through model homes, talk to Realtors, negotiate, get the facts, but HEAR the TRUTH, for a truth and a fact are 2 different things. The fact may be that your credit score says No way Jose! But the truth is, I can do all things through the negative credit report. Right? Wrong! You and me are strong for all things through the Christ that empowers us. Philippians 4:13. You talk the walk and walk the talk as if you are already there. You don't wait to get there, you are there through a change of perception which leads to a change of paradigm. 2 - Most goals are categorized in six different components...
A Vision of Goals of the {1} Spirit {highest and most wealthy dimension}, an open heavens life; God is Spirit and we are inspired or IN-SPIRIT Goals of the {2} Soul {mind, emotions, intellect - improving our serve through soulical faculties; renewing our minds to the WILL of God, kingdomizing our thinking to the King and His kingdom and all these things are added unto us - true focus, not hocus pocus... Goals of the {3} Body {weight lose, diet, exercise}, health regimen, maximizing our physiology, your health is your wealth... Goals of {4} Time, Priority, or Organizational goals - the average millionaire values money as time, but truth is, managing time is really not the answer, it is in managing your priorities.
You can give some people 8 hours more in a day, but unless we manage our priorities, we will lose out on the value of time be devaluing the importance of the priority of the kingdom. For true organization proceeds out of life, and our organization stems largely from our given priorities {priorities are not distractions, nor being busy for the sake of being busy}. Priorities come from our God-ordained life-work, our purpose and position in the kingdom. Priorities requires the master key of stewardship. Stewardship is a way of life, for the true owner of all is God as we are but stewards. Faithful stewardship is the daily administration of our priorities, or HIS! Goals as in {5} People or relational, in improving our serve with others, intimacy.
Communication is one of the most highest kinds of inner resources {master it}, family goals; love in marriage moving form love to commitment, and trust. Intimacy {into-me-see} which becomes the cement of a relationship And, {6} FINANCIAL goals, goals in business, creative business strategies, and more. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 says that the prayer is for us to be sanctified WHOLLY, in the whole man. In Ecclesiastes 12:13, it says this is the whole man, the simplicity of keeping his judgments, statutes, and precepts in the wholeness. Money is Spirit, Soul, and Body, Wealth is even greater than money! Our finances, credit, and circulation of money is a way of life. When we lay out the vision for our money here in the earth realm, we give permission for the vision to speak...
Money takes on the personality of the possessor of it. Money can become prosperous money by view of our perception for our perception become our reality. If we are stingy we create or produce stingy money. If we are careless we create careless money. If we empower our inner resources that we are wealth, money becomes attracted to us, glued to us, jelled to us, or like a magnet waiting to be attracted. In this we confess... Money, wealth, and kingdom resources is attracted to me... I am that I AM. The I AM is wealth, so therefore I Am wealth... why? for I AM that I AM Money sees me coming and hastens to me so that I may execute the resources to advance the kingdom... I am good ground for seed to be sown...
Everywhere I go, people from far and near are attracted to me, to give me diversified forms of wealth to accomplish my objective, mission, pursuit, and purpose in life on planet earth... The highest kind of money and wealth is God. Spirit money is God all in all, universal, supreme, complete, and glorious in majesty. Soul money is the mind to perceive, believe, and achieve it. It. And body money is the animation of the spiritual and soulical money coming into manifestation, tangibility, and substance. God is my source, my soul becomes a change agent and active force, and my body and hands take on the resource of the force of the source. My name is money, and God is source of my resource! The money in my hand has been passed down from the highest source, God, and the force to the source or my soul making her boast in the Lord, and the manifestation of the resource which is simply God my source.
3 - Start by making an inventory of your vision, pursuits, and desires which the Lord has placed within you. See yourself in the worthwhile position of accomplishing goals with HIS VISION in mind, not as some mistake, accident, or something by osmosis in buried memories of the past. You have the desire to estimate, evaluate, and to take inventory of where you want to go. In Proverbs 16:1 it says "The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer in the tongue, is from the Lord. Verse 3 says, "Commit your works unto the Lord and your thoughts shall be established." In inventory, Habakkuk 2:1 says that we shall stand upon our post before the Lord to hear and to answer him when he reproves. " I think the problem with many is that they feel it is not plausible to set or to reach goals, for fear that it is not the will of God to do so. What a sad commentary.
The Lord may change our plans in our personal lives, and we may even change some things of our own doing. But one thing is for certain, GOD never changes HIS plans. He may change the venue, or the instrument of his purpose, but the purpose is the same and the plans are in tack. He never misses a beat and he beats to a whole new set of drums, a different tune altogether. {Can you hear the sound?}
So we take into account what we DESIRE to see and to do, to become and to have, for it stems from HIS desire towards us. We wear our goals as spiritual frontlets, and also post up diagrams, pictures, drawings, sketches, business plans, proposals, and rehearse them to release them. We buy post-its and do just that, post it abroad. We say who we are, we do what we are, we are what HE is, and HE is who we are. We create whole new atmospheres of expectation and anticipation. Creativity and imagination flourishes as we speak as the ELOHIM, and as he is attracted to the same atmosphere in us that He founded the heavens and earth upon. We move from faith, to trust, to rest. 4 - Go over the list. Take some time to estimate when you desire to reach these vision full of goals. Do not make the mistake of confusing simple strategizing with overt rebellion such as overworking and worrying. God is not against you and me. He wants us to put key strategies and implementations into usage.
Let's not get Pentecostal on God and beat ourselves over the head for ever starting out to do something. For the longest part of the journey is the first initial step. Launch out into the deep and cast forth your nets. Chart a new course of action and pursue with dignity, with assurance in God. Is it 6 months or 1 year that you want to accomplish some important things in your life?
Now think on this, why did the Lord gave us soulical facilitation? To super-spiritualize it? No! To use it in the way he designed us to. For this is the part of us that communicates with the everyday world we live in. Romans 12:2. Exercise the power of a renewed mind. 5 - Pick out the most important goals for the year. It may simply be 2-3 goals. For the main goals of the year is what you will be most committed to.
These are the top priorities in your life, whether it is eating more in accord to your blood type, which will shed the pounds off as early as a few days. Or, it may be the plan to finish school, which requires a desire, a discipline, which brings a delight. Psalms 37:4-5. If we eat more to our blood type we will eliminate the toxins and diseases that accompany incorrect eating. Some foods act as highly beneficial medicine, others as neutral or just food, and some are actually poison to our bodies. For your health is your wealth. Always plan to succeed even if the plans change. 6 - List the important resources you already have in accomplishing and attaining your goals. This is seen in the life of the widow, whom Elisha the prophet spoke into. In 2 Kings 4, she was faced with a dilemma, and Elisha directed her attention to that which she already had. It is the same with you and me beloved, we have resources among us, or within us. We need to list them today, the useful things in our midst, and next, how we plan to use them. We call this the strategy of resource, making use of what you already have. IN one sense, people are resourceful.
So begin to develop a plan of action, a business plan for your home, family, ministry, or particular business. Who are the players on the team? Identify them. What part does each person play? if you have 4 and 5 apostles in your local work, what division of labor and measure of rule will they flourish in? What are their strategies to effect the region they are given to? Most importantly, what is the vision and direction of the assembly? What are the core values, core stabilization's and core dynamics therein? What part does each member of the team plays? Who are the players and player haters?
Make out a list and objective of utilizing the resources among you, even people resources, typists, IT personnel, intercessors, salesmen, bus drivers, cooks, doctors, attorneys, nurses, technicians, cosmetologists, and others. 7 - Give attention to HOW we had used these resources before. Moses had a speech thing all of his own, perhaps a bit annoying, but the Lord spoke to him to use what was in his hand, and to acknowledge the support of his brother Aaron. Now how about money? Oftentimes, the problem appears to be money, but it is not mere tangible money. Perhaps it is our attitude, or lack of gratitude. Maybe we desire a new place to live, but we are failing to use the right strategy, or don't have one at all. If we don't know how we are using our resources now or before, how will we appreciate a new place to live?
Right now, ask the question, "How did I use my resources before? Was my concerns a lack of cash or lack of control? How did I overcome the giants in my life before? Is the poor habits of old sabotaging my present. Are my good habits becoming habitations? How are we communicating our intentions and plans? Who are we communicating to? What type of audience are we looking for? Are we becoming an aroma through our given chemistry, or a repellent through our offensive odor? Are we growing relationally and in time numerically after a while, or stagnant through distorted beliefs of ever trusting others to come on board outside of our orientation, mold, makeup, and design?
What are our plans for developing a home-cell strategy? What will be the vital ingredient for its progress and prosperity? When do we implement the city-church strategy? With whom, how, and why? What are momentum killers and momentum accelerators? What diminishes momentum, and what increases impetus? 8 - Describe now the kind of person you will be in the vision of your attained and fulfilled goals. What if I told you that money and "STUFF" can potentially empower what you already are? If you are stingy with the little you have, what makes it certain that you will be generous when the windfall comes in? No guarantees. We need now to begin picturing in our minds and purpose in our hearts the kind of person we need to be, based on HIS will he ordained us to be, before the expected breakthrough.
I have seen this in counseling with young men who got a better break in their job, and yet became insensitive to their wives, all because they found a better job and felt a need to be important & outspoken, and to push their weight around. One man demanded his wife to fix him food at the same time all of the time. In one other isolated incident, there was no more wife to come home to, and no more home cooked meals. We must develop the right attitude in attaining our goals now, and not wait till we reach them.
Our attitude determines in part our altitude. We need the attitude of the beatitudes, or blessed attitudes. If we are lazy and lethargic, it will spill over potentially in anything we now do. If slothful, it will show in many ways, in how we circulate money, how we handle relationships, how we communicate our objectives, and how we empower our own selves. If we are powerfully positive, and desire an action plan for life, goals, pursuits, strategies and logistics, with a fervent zeal to accomplish our initiatives, this mentality will become the interwoven thread in all others phases and spheres of our life. If we are faithful in the least we become faithful in the most. If we are faithful in money matters others will commit to our trust. If we are faithful in another man's work, we will becoming faithful to our own. In truth, the vision and work of the Father becomes the vision and work of the spiritual son and daughter.
9 - Describe what keeps you from reaching your vision full of goals. Is it being lazy, lethargic, or mean? Do we snap at folks that offer support and lend a hand to serve us? For when we complain, we REMAIN. What keeps us in the same rugged place all of the time? What is it about ourselves that we honestly can't stand? What are we willing to change about ourselves? What company are we keeping? Who are we giving heed to? Do we lack spiritual guidance from experienced and aged people, fathers and mentors? Or, is our life filled with tormentors? It is of utmost importance that we identify and describe the things that keeps us delayed. Sometimes, it could be our very own selves, and the inward lingo that we are speaking back to ourselves. Just ask the folks in Numbers 13, how they surveyed the land, and shortly afterward said that they are unable to possess it.
The scripture calls this an evil or bad report. In this new configuration, we need to connect with people in life that are appointed of the Lord to take us somewhere. We need to get new connections and grow together for the highest good. We need not to use people like a piece of meat, or some depreciating goods to be discarded once we are finished and done. We need to respect and to acknowledge what the Lord is doing in us and through us, as well as through those whom he chooses to connect us with in his appointed place and time. All persons coming into your life will not necessarily have the answers to all things you are looking for, but be open to change. The Lord will give grace and glory to reveal his plan, and to help us discern the plans of the enemy in keeping us from accomplishing and fulfilling our vision and goals for life.
10 - With HIS VISION in Mind, Design all of your goals in picture, writing, or in some tool that brings to remembrance what you are doing, and where you are going. Write the vision, make it plain. The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. No fear of failing or falling, although we all have challenges. Here, we are putting it all together in formation, in structure, in some kind of formal declaration. Go over the list again, and sign it. Date it, and begin to prayerfully take the necessary steps toward achievement. Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalms 37:4-5; The Lord God is a sun and shield, and gives grace and glory, and no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. Psalms 84:11...
Now, make a day of it. Spend an entire day going through what you have established in your heart. make it a vision goal day. Take the day off, plan for this day way ahead of time. Make it a personal holiday. Talk from your goals, not merely about them. As in the words of Caleb, "We are well able to possess the land!" 11 - Ask the Lord to give you a role model, and I am not referring here to Peter, James, and John. That could work and in all intent and purpose it should make a positive difference. But I am after a living witness of how it is done in the now, and to whom the Lord will lead you to, or will lead to you. If you are called, and anointed, the Lord will direct you to the appointed, but be open, it may even surprise you or raise a few eyebrows. Did not Jesus say to make friends of the mammon of unrighteousness in Luke 16:9.
Again, we should not get religiously stuck in mud or a vacuum, for fear of meeting someone different then we. What makes it worse is to exclaim how important we are as believers while the unbeliever is nothing like us. Yet, our greatest breakthrough can come from someone who does not profess Christ openly. meaning, there are millions of people on earth that are a part of the Lord's harvest. he has laborers in this harvest, but be open to change. When we lack instruction, we lack construction, and may be headed for obstruction or destruction. All of us need someone to help us to get where we are going. In God, discover that certain someone, and begin to live again. Let the Lord provide through his vast resourcefulness the one who will help you to get there.
If you apply for a job career and is hired, you will need introduction to the staff, training, and protocol. If you are attending college you and me will need to study under someone's academical experience. When it comes to becoming a part of an established local assembly you may begin as a novice to that work although you are not a novice entirely to the work of the ministry. Can you handle that? You may come on board and acknowledge yourself as some great gifted person, but the apostleship, eldership, and and discipleship - via sonship will have an important part and impact on your maturation and development. No one is exempt from well-defined process and lines of communication... 12 - It all starts at home {Eden, God's pleasure and delight}. Create the atmosphere at home.
With me, I value creativity. I have magnolia, Banana and Pecan trees outside of our home, and the birds sing each morning glory. I am in the study many of nights {It's now after 2am Sunday as I write}, but that's not a problem. Theresa is there and we work together as a team. We reciprocate mutual interest, and respect the time that is needed to accomplish our plans in writing books and dispensing them to the nations. We keep the means to stimulate interest and to enhance creativity. We are perfected with purpose and designed for destiny. We have a will to be creative, a propensity for excellence, a loving household, a beautiful wife of over 25 years, 2 sons and one daughter, and the goodness of the Lord to prove it. Your personal atmosphere at home is important. Home is where the heart is. Create the atmosphere for creative imagination.Invest in it, at times give some good expense to it. Imagination is the key to creativity and witty inventions. Creativity and Imagination is not a Christian concept, either. It's KINGDOM... LOL
Creativity is the nature of Elohim, one God, many natures. Genesis 1 Continue to feed the seed and to nurture the nature, for by divine enlightenment, you are becoming what you already are. YOU are that NOW!!! Apostolic blessings {Philippians 4:17-19} to all, and remember, you are highly FLAVORED {Favored} of the Lord. Remember... You may be able to Supersize and KingSize your favorite sandwich of the day {hmm, well, no comment on this...}, but in LIFE you can KINGDOMIZE your priorities to maximum input and output!
You do not merely manage time, you manage your priorities, and our priorities are the KING and His Kingdom. Matthew 6:33. These priorities are evident and witnessed in relationships one with another. If you are appointed to father-son relationship, there is a priority in such design. If you are given to marriage, there is a set priority for your marriage, its manhood, mission, message, and ministry. If you are attending school, your priorities will play an important role in the quality of your education. More than mere time, let us focus on the KING and His Kingdom, and our priorities will make manifest.
Dr. Tim and Theresa Early {Apostolic Team}FAP International or Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets International {FAP}
Labels: Destiny, Dreams, Goal, Purpose, Pursuits, Strategies, Tim Early and Associates, Vision
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