A present truth kingdom and apostolic reformational {transformational} ministry which is an acronym for Corporate Unction and Strategy Habitation in the USA and worldwide...
This apostolic strategy was founded by Dr. Tim and Theresa Early to pierce, penetrate, and to pioneer the stabilizing influence of the kingdom within Pan African and cross-cultural communities, with the navigational properties of the apostolic and prophetic dimension, and the dimensional shift of transitioning from church to kingdom.
For what purpose?
To relaunch and retool Pan African communities into the governance and administration of the kingdom and in the upward spiral and progressive spiritual momentum that there is NEW LeaderShip amongst C.U.S.H. {particularly and prophetically, Western Ethiopia, Hamitic culture - Western World, USA beyond} that has the sound of HIS appearing and presence with kingdom resources to teach, train, impart, father, confer, equip, develop, and to activate African Americans and other Pan African communities into the NOW configuration of the Kingdom, and to bring divine revelatory upgrade of God's eternal purpose within the Pan African communities...
Inspired in part by the revelation of William Seymour's 100 year celebration of Azusa in 1906, C.U.S.H. not only acknowledges the considerable depths and contribution of this pace setter, and the fact the the world Centennial celebration of this historical event for April 2006, but to seize the boldness, brightness, and beauty of a brand new day to Push {CUSH} forward pass Pentecost {Azusa} into the Fullness of the Feast of Tabernacles, the fullness of God's appointed feasts.
In the Early's traveling experience, there is noticed mixed views within the Black community towards The Message of the Kingdom, The Manifestation of the Sons of God, Perfection, Apostles and Prophets, Global Apostolic Reformation, Immortality, the Melchisedec Order, the 3rd Day Church, The Finished Work of the Cross, the Ancient of Days, and Christ becoming ALL in ALL.
It is also in the Early's sphere of experience to have witnessed much resistance over the years from many people who want to remain 2nd Day in their gospel music without the embracing of the song of the Lord for a new generation, the inordination of ordination in their hierarchy of institutional bishops, and the substituting of purposes and plans of the Spirit for physical blessings and breakthroughs only as a needs basis - goods driven - people performance oriented ministry, papal in faulty foundations of church government and spiritual order and deficiently lacking in kingdom structures...
Though this is not the blight in all communities mentioned, this is a growing concern today in that either many in some ethnic groups disdain the arising of the Black community in all spheres and realms of the kingdom, or that those amongst a great sector of CUSH have not embraced sufficient role models, {mentors not meteors, smile}, and fathers of the New Configuration of the Kingdom and the Corporate Destiny of CUSH to saturate these communities generously in the present day truth or what the Father is saying NOW.
Whatever the reason, and dispite all of any or all obvious reasons, there needs to be new leadership and leadershift in CUSH for the global breakthrough the Lord is bringing through the steerage and leadership of New Kingdom Reformers, a whole new breed of Apostolic Strategists of Architectural Patterns and Designs; A New World Order of Kingdom Apostles and Prophets who will establish the foundations of our understanding and to help restore to man the image of God and the Dominion of Purpose.
Any new movement or dimensional shifting is not always celebrated, though for some tolerated. But we must not be abashed and despise the New SON-rise amongst CUSH for its strategic place in advancing the kingdom through their instrumentation and technologies. We must reveal and to fervently establish that the construct in life for all spheres and phases is KINGDOM. The model of Life as we know it is KINGDOM. All interactions and pursuits, modulations and compilations of bold enw discoveries, and all of the 12 major world systems of the earth is to become {Revelation 11:15} KNIGDOM. Therefore, CUSH is to get ready for a new thrust into Kingdom Agenda, Kingdom Alignment, and Kingdom Assignment for Kingdom Advancement.
Some of the initiatives for C.U.S.H. are as follows...
* For developing healthy, vibrant, kingdom, divine, covenant relationships and the diminishing of titular authority to first name basis...
* For city-wide and global assemblages or gatherings of C.U.S.H. moving from visitation to Habitation, to enlarge CUSH for all that the Father is speaking, saying, and doing in the earth...
* With Forums for discussion and tri-a-logue, or one with another under the auspices of the Holy Spirit...
* Training and foundation, and generational inheritance for CUSH to arise in all spheres of life not alone church, but in Kingdom, in a world view towards global acquisitioning, power and destiny...
* Revelatory Upgrade and Divine Download of what the Father is saying to this NOW Gene or Generation...
* Apostolic Impartation and Prophetic Activation, restructuring our lives, families, and assemblies through kingdom culture {king priest ministry after the order of Melchisedec} into present truth kingdom models. If the Kingdom is God's agenda for planet earth, our homes, assemblies, and busineses are to accommodate, facilitate, and to reflect in clearest expression that the saints possesses the KINGDOM...Daniel 2:44, 4:34-37; 7:13, 14, 18, 22, 27
* To provide training manuals and hands on discoveries for bold new apostolic and prophetic dimensions, moving from argumentative apostolic holiness doctrines to Governmental Apostolic Dimensions, Demonstrations, and Destiny...
* To bring awakening to the Sound of the Lord for this generation, in worship, song, praises, intercession, and corporate ministry...
* To acknolwedge the new leadership amongst CUSH to support and to rally and align together with those who are bringing new configurations, transference, and substance of what the kingdom is and what the kingdom does as a global African American and Pan African community...
* To Pioneer a brand new day amongst CUSH, and to become that expression of the kingdom world over...
* and more...
Please Now read the cutting Edge Article below by Dr. Tim and Theresa Early..entitled, New Leadership In C.U.S.H. You Will SEE More {William Seymour}
NEW LEADERSHIP IN CUSH...You Will See More {William Seymour}
{WILLIAM SEYMOUR} - Hosea 6:1-3; Third Day, Arising and Living in HIS Sight, Foresight, and Divine Insight - Corporate SEE MORE..Will - I AM {that I AM - Ever Revealing} See SO Much MORE...
Dr. Tim and Theresa Early
FAP International {Ephesians 2:20-22}
My spirit has been in the ascendancy for several weeks now, and a stir and quickening nature is arising in my belly to utter some things into existence, manifestation, and present truth substance. This of course is in part and parcel and is joined as a corporate effort, a corporate voice of 3rd day people who are seeing and saying bold new things, even things of old, of everlasting...Micah 5:1-2; Jeremiah 6:16; Isaiah 46:10-11; Genesis 1:1-3
As we close out the month of February 28th, 2006 or Black History Month, I want to thank all that has warmely and cheerfully regarded through the the embrace of faith the pioneering contribution of the black community in every facet of life. But there is more beloved, much more...
100 years has come since the Azusa Outpouring. William Seymour {YOU WILL SEE MORE - HOSEA 6:1-3} graciously obeyed the Lord for one of the most historical movements of God in modern times. Not a planned move by man, but a promised move of the Lord, a divine response of the heart of the Father for a people hungering so much more for HIM.
A great celebration is about to commence for the Azusa Outpouring, and thousands of saints shall flock to gather and demonstrate unity of God's sovereign purpose through this man's life.
It will mark the 100 year anniversary of one of the world's most astounding miracles in America, as millions of lives have been touched world over by this outpouring, the basis for many prominent and emerging ministries, and the bedrock for American and global saints moving into the realms of God unto corporate dynamics, demonstrations, dimensions, and destiny.
This is the set time for a bold new pionering celebration. And as my spirit is hungry for such a commemoration and commencement, it is even more hungry for a NEW Dimension of Grace and Glory for the next 100 years.
As an apostle, along with my wife, and a prolific leadership team in FAP International, we are seeing and perceiving things ahead in the destiny of the saints and the economy of God, along with precious others of kindred spirit and loving grace from all over the world.
Sometimes when you see things so far ahead, it can lead to serious persecution, yes, really. Many times when you see so far ahead, and utter or say what you see, it is also a matter of timing and wisdom, patience, and maturity, too. For our very vision, like Joseph, can get us straight into the P.I.T. or People, Person, and Prophet in Training. What you SEE and what you SAY can cost you. It's a costly anointing!
With that P.I.T., the prepared place of the Lord God is working things in us and out of us such as PMS or Prophetic Mood Swings, or perhaps Programmed Mind Sets. The P.I.T., though the prelude to the palace, is an appointed place of the Lord to mold and to shape us, refine and define us, make and to break us, in every way HE sees fit, for the yielding forth and glorious unfolding of HIS plan of action, which God speaks of and speaks to at all times, even if the plan is to have us to endure more or less in a certain area.
With that in mind, a bold new discovery not only awaits us, but is here among us. Though there is the centennial celebration of one of America's most important men in history, and one of the greatest moves to cover the earth, I will not hesitate to just remain and stay at Azusa. Azusa has prepared us for Much {Sey - SEE More - MOUR}
Azusa is Pentecost, the 2nd Day of grace and our maturity, a most poweful and glorious day, one we asuredly and embrace and appreciate for all that is has been given for. Now out of the 2nd day we have grown as a corporate multi-cultural people of his passion into one of the most strongest forces in the world, Joel's Army of the Lord, His corporate voice from many streams and spheres. It is the bedrock and basis of all the other movements in America and the nations, including the Latter Rain {Latter Rain {30}, Latter Latter Rein {60} and Latter Reign {100}, the Miracle Revival movments, New Wine, Charismatic renewals, Prayer Tracks, Global Intercession, Kingdom Now, Prophetic and Apostolic dimensions, Dominion Mandates, Signs and Wonders, Manifest Sons of God, and more...
It is conceived, perceived, believed, received, and achieved in the Spirit realm that though the celebration of the Century is about to take place, it is also the closing moments of an era, foreclosure before coming into forerunners. It is a time we must rejoice for this great glory of the Lord which has changed the face of our nation and world. It is not for us to abandon with disregard or forgetfulness, no, not at all, but to acknowledge that Azusa is the Feast of Pentecost, and the next greatest and final Feast is the Third Day Church, the Feast of Tabarnacles, the Fullness of Christ in HIS body. Christ becoming ALL in ALL! This next dimension is simply a contribution and compliment to the previous movements.
This Feast of Tabernacles, which is the Feast of HIS Unity, the Feast of HIS Appearing, the Feast of HIS Glory, HIS Harvest, HIS Ingathering, and more...will continue on as Pentecost makes way for a new dimension of grace and glory.
In the earlier or first testament, the Feast of Tabernacles was the consummation of all of the other Feasts, and in the realm of Spirit, Tabernacles is also the consummation of all things. According to this prophetic statement, as well as the historical value of "Tabernacles," This Feast is marked by the blowing of the trumpets - the sound of HIS presence, the sound of HIS appearing, and the day of atonement.
I sense in my being that a mightier corporate cleansing {Not cleaning, bit deeper, CLEANSING} has come, the purity of Christ manifesting through HIS body, a coporate purging and cleansing of racism and religion {or in this text, religiousness, religiousity, religious spirits} and other vices and strongholds that has held captive a countless many of people - those that proclaim and exclaim to name the name of Jesus Christ...hmm.
There is NOW a release of the Lord to purge racism out of the church, and religious rule from its former dominance and dictates over God's people. Atonement or At-One-Ment always precedes the fullness of Tabernacles as there is no Tabernacles without it. It is the Purity of the Lord from the MOST HOLY PLACE.
There is a massive work being done in the saints local and universal, and being this is the last day for Black History month, I want to reference that racism and religion attempted to stop and to destroy the precious move of the Spirit of Azusa in its early days followed by repercussions even now. And for many years, this racism and religion has taken on many forms, many hats, many phases, but it is the same thing that two world known reformers had come up against in their time.
Martin Luther of Europe, 500 years ago, came up against a religious giant, and the reformation of the church began...His opposing force and the cruel and ruling notion of his day, RELIGION
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., another prophet or apostle in his own right, came up against an oppresor of his time and was the the machine or vehicle of expression to confront another giant, RACISM.
Both carry the same name. Martin Luther...
And as the Lord is quickening his corporate body in "YOU WILL SEE MORE" {William Seymour multiplied through the counsels of the Lord, his choosing, his doing into an embodiment of people, a corporate glory}, there now arises a bold new breed of kingdom people that will walk first and foremost in HIS UNITY, the Unity of the Spirit, not alone trying to become ecumenically unified one with and by another. That is folly!
So often in the past, many saints divised corporate unity gatherings to attempt to become unified based on public appearances, gestures, vigils, kind remarks, and public apologies. Unity does not start here amongst ourselves and by our concerted and futile efforts, but begins with HIM who is ALL- 2 -Gether Lovely! Unity is first Spirit, and the words which Jesus preached were Spirit and LIFE!
We are already unified one with another because the middle wall of partition is removed from between us. Christ has already slain and abolished the enmity or hostility between him and his church. We need to operate NOW in what he has already done, not attempt to do what HE thinks needs to be done. There is no unity without the Lordship and Preeminence of the Christ. If HE is Christ the Head, then HE is Christ the Body. Whatever is a part of the Life and Nature of HIS Headship is a part of the LIFE of HIS body.
Now with the Azusa Centennial Global Celebration on its way commencing in California and with many brethren reexamining our motives, RELIGION and RACISM must not only be purged from the church and from its roots as my dear friend apostle Jeff Edwards says, but in militant kingdom force, DRIVEN OUT!
Racism and the spirit of Religion must be nullified, made void, excised, and disposed of, dispossessed, dismantled, disrobed, disengaged, disemboweled, and disfranchised, in Jesus name!
Racism from any end, from people who feel oppresed in their lifetime for something that happened to their parents and parents own parents or great great grand parents, or in racism of economics which was the basis of the development of the KKK in the 1860's of Pulaski, TN it must be renounced!
Something is going {and has already} to break forth in the earth as the earth is to kiss heaven, for heaven has first kissed the earth with the breath of the Ruach of God the inhale {Yah} and the exhale {weh} of God almighty, the Cry of the Spirit, a new release for a New Millennial Leader-Shift, a bold new Apostolic Priesthood amongst Cush after the order of Melchisedec.
There is arising and has now come a new level of leadership that is not marked by Azusa exclusively, but is at least sparked by Azusa, to help to steer and to navigate the global saints into the next level of corporate destiny. I am particularly speaking of C.U.S.H. and largely of the church of America, the United States.
C.U.S.H. {Corporate Unction and Strategies Habitation} or the Pan African community across the earth shall arise with an even greater contribution to kingdom advancement, not alone being evangelized to in order to go to heaven, but to apostolicize, globalize, and to kingdomize the nations to bring heaven to earth together with all other nations of the earth. Yes beloved, there is an invasion going on, heaven invades earth through a people of HIS passion. God is raising up CUSH as a mighty voice among the nations, and particularly the United States of America.
The number 7 is a powerful discovery here, as 3 is the number of the heavens, and 4 the number of the earth. When 3 and 4 comes together, you have the Days of the Voice of the 7th Angel, the Mysteries of God being complete or finished.
Every nation of the earth has an integral part in the advancing of the kingdom, in the unfolding glory of HIS story, in the release of the streams of HIS manifest presence, including Pan African cross-cultural communities.
There is a greater glory coming upon the African American and Pan African cultures of the world, and though this message is largely distributed to the American audience, via, United States, it is yet a message for all people to rejoice and to celebrate a re-release, a re-launching, and a re-revelation of the kingdom and the dominion and the greatness of HIS kingdom earmarked and hallmarked amongst the Black community as never before.
When William Seymour journeyed into the heart of God for revival or revolution, he not only desired the baptism and indwelling of the Holy Spirit amongst the Black community, but had HIS heart for all people of every nation to receive of this wonderful and blessed assurance. The differentiation concerning Seymour and Parham in 1905 Houston, TX and in Azusa 1906 and beyond was, that Seymour bore in his heart for all men, women, and children to receive of this heavenly goodness, whereas some taught the Holy Spirit through the racist laws of the land, and at one time disallowing blacks to sit in on meetings led by non-black leadership.
Later, as Azusa broke out in ablaze of HIS glory, Charles Parham and some others became angry and bitterly infused for Azusa being characterized by multi-cultural worship. A lot of enemies brewed when this NEW THING broke forth in the United States and the radical worship from various clusters of people from all over the place.
For everyone did not want this to be, that an African American man prevailed through the snide, snickering, sneering, and sarcastic scorn of racist hatred which is simply bred through ignorance {Agnostics}, insecurity, confusion, and deep rooted phobia fear.
And racism was not the sole thing to become harshly critical of William Seymour and Azusa Street Apostolic Mission. But, another color came into the picture, the GREEN-EYED Monster and Envy, the backbone and fruit of the root, causing the ground work of confusion and every evil work to transpire, even later the recouping of Seymour's mailing list and the attempt to criple his work for years to come...
This segment of history is most important to our discussion, and if folk get offended in hearing this, then there lies part of the problem.
So without resorting to carnal flesh or the promoting of mere skin and color, let us establish truth that Jealousy was the precursor of the murder of Abel through his brother Cain, and when we lose sight of becoming our brothers's keeper, we become our brother's killer.
We are not looking for another William Seymour anymore in the human resemblance or in the deeds of our own selfish flesh, but beloved, by the Spirit of the Living God, you WILL { William or I AM or I AM that I AM} SEE MORE, through the eyes of HIS majesty, you will SEE, HEAR, and DO MORE! For DOING comes out of BEING!
So let us Say what we See, and See what we Say, as the Lord releases a new stream of HIS glory FROM CUSH for globalization of HIS kingdom purpose, and not alone a message or move SENT to CUSH.
Earlier civilizations flowed in the reign of Ham, then later Shem, then later, Japeth. Hamitic culture was a major and foundational race of early ancient and biblical and historical times. God is bringing things into full circle by his prophetic purpose for HAM, and all of Ham and in historical text his children including Phut {Libya}, Cush {Ethiopia}, Mizriam {Egypt} and Canaan. This full circle is not of the flesh, nor is motivated by the flesh, although some have gone too far with reverse racism ending up with religious wars domestic and overseas, wars of the texture of the color of one's skin, caste systems, prejudice or pre-judge, and more...How sad!
The Spirit of the Lord is re-visiting C.U.S.H. in a bold new manner, and is doing a complete work in CUSH not alone in dynamics for corporate destiny, but in how the Pan African communities interrelate with one another in the grace of the Lord for global kingdom community, or Come-U-N-I-tie. For in the word "Grace" there is the word "Race," and the Spirit of the Lord is purging even inherently predisposed positions which cuts off the true UNITY that HE is working in this mega force of people.
There must, has, will, and shall continue to arise a new level and dimension of kingdom leadership amongst C.U.S.H. to set new patterns and paradigms into motion for the recognizing, raising, and releasing of apostles and prophets without the characterization of Neo-Roman Catholicism in ordination, jurisdiction, and organization.
A fresh wind and revelation is come that shall take the African American community from resources to REVELATION, to Revolution, the revelation of Resources, the Source of Revelation for all things in the spiritual and natural economy of God through their given contribution.
A release is come to re-relate to Apostolic Kingdom Community, a new vision with new visionaries to launch strategies for creating a new world through CUSH in order for CUSH to affect nations through its measure of rule, even through multi-dimensional glory.
Greater open doors shall come in the realm of Joseph and Daniel, statemen prophets to the marketplace, clear wisdom and revelation in changing our world through dominion. A greater revelation of purpose and destiny shall flood the Pan African and American communities that will not take so long of a time to pray, search, and to anticipate for.
There shall be one of the greatest releases known to the world when the Caucasian and African American communities open up bold new encounters of communication and bridge building to join hands together in the Spirit to repent one with another and to declare with the agency of apostles and prophets the destruction of racism from our churches where some of the most segregated centers of America are on Sunday morning, in public schools, local, corporate, and international businesses, and communities.
Why black and white Tim?
For the USA once permitted and legislated laws of segregation {racism} which has trickled down to quite a many this day who do not trust the Lord in seeing a better and brighter tomorrow. No excuse though to sit idle and die, the prison doors are open and we can exit out of the anguish of our old mind sets and enter in to a new frontier.
It is imperative that Caucasian and African Americans come together in God's Divine Appointing as the greatest race war for a long time in the United States was brewing between black and white, slavery, poverty, now an even longer drawn out war with foreign citizens moving to, living, in, and becoming American citizens, owning businesses and moving to affluent neighborhoods as well. But let's get to the root of it, go to where the most devestation had developed, let's start here, and repent, really mean it, and no longer put each in a box.
This has to be in God's wisdom and timing and in God's way, not merely a performance or ritual for the sake of doing it, to save face, or to just make a mere statement, but a divine appointing of the Lord for re-unification through the instrumentation of HIS Spirit.
As I speak there is still the attitude I get when I travel that Dr. Tim Early is going to be the next so and so without the color of the skin. If you would permit me to reciprocate a response here, that does not edify or help me at all. I am that I AM by the grace of God, and it is time that each culture of communities appreciate their race and not to despise themselves through despising others.
The Lord is about families, nations and generations. I encourage all, black, white, brown, yellow, olive, and red, to never again apologize for being who they are in ethnicity, so enjoy it, celebrate it, appreciate your uniqueness and contribution to the rest of the world.
I get no joy when I am patrianized by someone as becoming the next so-and-so without the color of their skin. I get no thrills being told that "You people are good for the preaching and praising, and we are for the worship and teaching!" Or, "That's my color talking, so don't expect me to act any other way but ugly!"
So again I say, Embrace and enjoy your uniqueness and heritage. We do!
I am light red skinned African American with a diverse background, and a rich cultural heritage. Because I am considered by most as largely intelligent, it should be no surprise to other races that I AM that I AM. Meaning, being intellectual or philosophical {if that is what you prefer to call it} with a power-fuel demonstration of the Spirit should not be a surprise to other cultures and races as something new. I appreciate what one is trying to convey here, but we don't don or fancy flattery such as, "You are one of those smart ones, here, come sit at my table and eat." This has happened to us before...
There must arise, a new leadership to help stir, stimulate, and to steer the global church with the navigational properties of the apostolic dimension and actually take us somewhere! Yes! There is arising, shall arise, and has already risen apostles and prophets within CUSH to take us further past Pentecost into Tabernacles? And to do this, the Lord will perform HIS counsel upon Pan African America and take the joyful sounds of gospel music and prophesy the song and sound of the Lord for the place HE has prepared his C.U.S.H. to enter into. For with every move of God there is a song and a sound to accompany it!
There is a new sound, and it is the sound of going, going into another level of destiny, prophetic and apostolic songs, and yes, the song of the Ages, the Ancient of Days, declaring the end from the beginning...
All realms and dimensions of the prophetic and apostolic are for all people. So again, we make no excuses as people at large, {Black, White, Brown, Yellow, Olive, and Red} not to enter in due in part for our racism or religious creed. We renounce and denounce racism and religious spirits in Jesus name and cross over to the other side. We see a beautiful horizon ahead, and we push forward as cush, C.U.S.H. {Corporate Unction and Strategies Habitation}, not cursed!
God's goodness is of no respect of persons. If people from any race feels this way about being abashed to enter in, it is either that they don't know who and whose they are in Christ and as a productive citizen of society, or is easily intimated by other clusters promoting and promulgating these dimensions.
Cush is arising and is coming forth with a bold new expectation in the Lord. We are declaring new prophetic sounds, chords, phrases, and expressions of grace and glory, and no excuse for saying this is our way, that is their way. Well, what about God's way? Did not Isaiah 2:2-4 speak about the coming to HIS mount, and that He will teach us of HIS ways and that we will walk in HIS paths?
Yes, exactly...
So this soverign move is for all, but for the record in closing out Black History Month, we want to say "It's time CUSH to embrace the fullness of your destiny, and to declare what thus saith the Lord."
Yes we celebrate large mega churches and for many 4 and 6 services a weekend, but that is not what we are after here. We embrace this, and we appreciate this, but there is MORE from the revelation of YOU WILL {William or I AM} SEE MORE!
There is more on the rise in CUSH than the social systems and adjustments our culture and economy, and these are important strides to consider to say the least...
But we hear the sound of a new dawning, a new horizon, the Undiscovered Country, in that as once Hamitic cultures flourished in the known ancient world, so now the Lord causes a flourishing in prophetic and apostolic kingdom dimensions, a greater glory than before!
We prophesy to the belly of C.U.S.H. and all Pan African cultures and communities to Arise in apostolic light and life, and to seize the boldness of a new day, more than a date with destiny, but the marriage of your purpose and destiny within you to radiate into bold new dimensions that will revolutionize through revelation and will release the seed of the kingdom for Pan African communities to awaken to their calling and election, and to the greater contribution and spheres pre-ordained in the pre-fixed revelation of God from the beginning in Jesus name!
A release has come in that we shall witness more Pan African and African Americans with revelation and demonstration of the Spirit for the new realms and portals, floodgates, and rivers of glory that are being revealed in the earth. For many feel it is giving up our uniqueness to become new things, and would best remain where they are, grow old and die.
But not so says the Lord, for this day I do a new thing amongst you, and you will see the manifestation of my glory resident among CUSH, and to become president or presiding among them says the Lord. I have called CUSH as you know it, to a new forefront in my eternal purpose, and you will see greater manifestations of my presence and glory which I shall perform amongst Western Ethiopia {USA} so says the Lord. I am greatly removing the fears and stigmas from their past, and shall magnify my name in the midst of them. Arise, Cush, Arise, for the time to favor you has come!
Beloved, If you can SEE MORE {SEYMOUR}, you will say what you see, see what you say, and do what you see and say. So the seeing is tied into doing.
And yet there are many more realms of glory that shall usher forth in the times ahead. Apostolic leadership flowing in the Eternal Judgments of God, the raising of the dead, more supernatural signs and wonders, the book of Life, the Ancient of Days, Sonship, The Wisdom of the Ages, Apostles of Family revelation, Enoch prophetic dimensions, Abrahamic prophetic dimensions, apostles and prophets of a bold new Melchisedec order, apostleship from the glory realm, 3rd Day Kingdom Apostles and Prophets, and more. And CUSH, it is within you, so ARISE!
Once again, as we close the month of February and the Black History that is given to represent, we want to thank all for being a vital part of the growth of C.U.S.H. throughout America, and the bold new discovery that is about to erupt like a church-quake in the earth.
Welcome CUSH to a greater Apostolic Arising, as the fire of God is seen within you, and the smoke of His glory is coming forth from out of you. ARISE!
Apostolic blessing...
Dr. Tim and Theresa Early...
FAP International - Ephesians 2:20-22 Trasitioning to KIN - Koinonia International Network
C.U.S.H. Corporate Unction and Strategy Habitation
Tim Early and Associates {TEA}
P.O. Box 1221 Cypress, TX 77410
Labels: African American Leadership, Apostles and Cushite Theology, Black Dominion, C.U.S.H. Pan African Culture, Reformation of Inner Cities, Training of Black Nationals, Universal Truth
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