Global Leadership Institute
Dr. Tim and Theresa Early, Apostle and Prophet
P.O. Box 1221 Cypress, Texas 77410
832-882-4594 *
Global Interfacing, Integration, Interlinking, Initiative, and Interdependence Welcome to the Mobile edition of the Global Leadership Institute International with Dr. Tim and Theresa Early, founders of the Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets International {F.A.P. Ephesians 2:20}. The Mobile School is a consecutive series of training and impartations purposely designed for migrating and propelling believers into bold new spheres, frequencies, depths, and profound dimensions for kingdom living. The courses are rich and diverse with present truth revelation of the eternal purpose of God and the destiny of mankind, tailor-made in expression to enhance, enlarge, expand, and to extract the very purpose of God in your life for kingdom advancement. It is structured with schooling for ruling and training for reigning.
The Global Leadership Institute International {expanded edition} is engineered and designed to reshape, restructure, and to reform the foundations of our understanding, bringing new configurations of the Dominion of Purpose {Dominion Mandate – Genesis 1:26, 28} and our relevant and strategic positioning on planet earth.
It is a school and epicenter, a place for launching mentalities into kingdom realities, defining core values and core stabilization in pioneering and establishing new models, modules and paradigms for global acquisition through our personal and corporate technologies.
The Global School and its mobile counterpart believe that the key to success is perseverance and the key to perseverance is vision. The key to vision is purpose and the key to purpose is God. It is a school of strategies, logistics, and re-tooling, executing the purpose and plan of the King’s Domain in the social spheres of LIFE. It is an atmosphere, which fosters yet firmly establishes the dynamics of leadership, stability, vision, and direction in advancing the kingdom of God with clear and concise revelation of the King and his Kingdom.
We trust that the Global {Mobile} School of Ministry and the Global Leadership Institute International will add breath, depth, and LIFE not only to the vast global awakening, but through the forceful momentum of radical and revolutionary changes translating, transcending, and transferring into the culture of the kingdom as a distinct lifestyle, tangible in expression and substance in nature.
Some Topics of Discovery {1, 3, 5, 7-day schools now available}
Foundational Understanding of the Scripture – God’s One purpose and Progressive Vision:
Covenant Wisdom and knowledge of the Dealings of God
The Natures of God – Multi-faceted dimensions and realms of the Father’s Life and His Unlimited Glory
The Revelation of Jesus Christ – God’s eternal purpose centered in the Christ
The Body of Christ or Christ the Head and Christ the Body: Transforming into the Last Adam and the Quickening Spirit
The Holy Spirit as a Way of LIFE – Insights through HIS unfolding wisdom and understanding – deeper realities of the Spirit Life. Living in the Spirit
Foundation for Habitation –from the Garden of Eden to the New Jerusalem – You are the habitation of God through the Spirit. Rich Tabernacle and Temple teaching, from Visitation to Habitation
The ‘RE" School of God’s Eternal Purpose {Reconciliation, Restoration, Reformation, and more}: - The Re-Birthing and Re-Building of the Nations
The Dominion Mandate: The Dominion of Purpose – 1st Great Commissioning
Revelation of God, Man, The Kingdom, The Church, and the Destiny of the Nations: Key insights of progressive Revelation springing forth out of God-insided Mindness, dispelling the present day madness, and producing the mandate of God being himself in the earth through a people of HIS passion...
Intercession and the Manifestation of the Sons of God – Powerful discoveries
Foundational LIFE Principles: Kingdom Community, The Sermon on the Mount - Kingdom Principles
Gifting and Callings of God – Significant functionality throughout the earth
The Apostolic Dimension – Foundational & Transformational Transcending Truth
The Ascension Ministries – Releasing the Oil from Aaron’s Beard to the Body
Prophetic Development – Prophetic Community and Corporate LIFE
The Supernatural Dimension – Living from the Unseen realm, the rhythm of God
Corporate Destiny – Corporate in Anointing, Authority, Agenda, Alignment, Assignment, and Advancement for planet earth - vita-MAN "A" for Vision enhancement
Purpose and Destiny – Kingdom Keys for our Mandated Mission on earth
The Kingdom of God – Transitioning Mentalities from Church to Kingdom: The construct, module, the interfacing and all internal mechanisms within all of the 12 major world systems are to be KINGDOM. All patterns of life and in all phases of life are to become the KINGDOM. The glory follows the pattern because the pattern comes from the glory. All that can be shaken is removed, and all that remains is HIS Kingdom. All systems and operations within the sphere of humanity are to reflect the core dynamics of the kingdom. Kingdom mentality is also global mentality, and global mentality is the mind of the Lord for planet earth.
Kingdom instrumentation executes kingdom purpose. Jesus' message interwoven throughout his earthly ministry was the KINGDOM. It is the motif of all ministry, the main thing being the main thing, the main element and theme of HIS ministry, and the saints...{Note}, here's something to think about. Why not adjusting your doorbell at home to ring "Kingdom, Kingdom, Kingdom..." lol...
Present Truth Apostolic Reformation – Advanced Training and Activation: Including Reformation {Foundations and Discoveries}, Rebuilding and Re-Launching, and Revelation Revolution for Reshaping and Restructuring into the glory of a Brand New World – Reforming the Church to Reform the Nations
Architectural Patterns and Designs for Personal Development and Growth dynamics – The Anatomy and Physiology of Being – His Life Living through us…
Kingdom Family Living – Receiving and Releasing the Kingdom as a way of Life
Message for Your Marriage – Manhood, Mission, Message, Ministry, Model, , Maturity, etc.
After the Order of Melchisedec – The King-Priest Ministry, an Eternal Priesthood
A Third Day People – Man’s 7th Day {from Adam} & the Church’s 3rd Day in Christ
Father – Son Spiritual Order – Love, Leadership and Legacy through Lineage – Covenantal transference of Father to Son, Kingdom Alignment – The Born Identity – The Bloodline – The Compound Anointing – The Birthing of Generational Blessings – Naming the Seed, Giving Purpose to the Seed, The Power of the Seed and its Assignment
{It's in the "AL} Impartational, Migrational, Activational, Trans-Generational, Transitional, Transformational, Revelational, Revolutional, Radical, Relational, Reciprocal, Habitational, Elevational, Educational, Foundational, Destinational, and Eternal Dimensions of LIFE right here on earth...More then just a school, but a close encounter of the 3rd Kind, the 3rd Day...The "AL" at the end of some words mentioned here may not be good grammar to some, but we are highlighting an important principle here, so please excuse our breaking away from the traditional appeal and application of these words. See them as dimensions, experiences, and greater realities in LIFE...
Personal Power {Power of Potential and Potency} and Divine Drive
Engineering and Reshaping our Understanding of Wealth and Prosperity
By Enlightenment U are Becoming What U Already R {You Really Are Already – Happy New You}
The Ancient of Days, the Wool and Hoary Head of the Lord, secrets of the Ancient Paths
Marketplace and Workforce Interpenetration – Strategic Operations in the earth
Your Health is Your Wealth – Your Greatest Asset is your Health, Healthy Life
More than Just A Motivational Seminar – Seed in the Seminar – Adding LIFE to Your Years – More than Just a Conference – Conferral of Impartation and LIFE
Born to BE and Born to Do – The real Meaning of BEING Born from Above
Creativity and Imagination – The vast Elohim - Unlimited Discoveries of Creating Atmospheres and Environments – Creative Nature of God in Man – God-Man
Perception and Paradigms – Mentality changes Creates Challenging New Directions – Reality through perception
Attitude to Altitude – Principles of Success and Authenticity – The Higher Life
The Genius of the Gene {Genes, Genesis, Genealogy, Genetics, Generation}
The Principles of Potential – The Potentate of Our Potential versus Impotent Life
Master Keys for Masterful Living – Stewardship, Possessor or Heaven & Earth
Seed, Time, and Harvest, Seeds of Life, Life Harvest
Maximizing Your Physiology – Strategies and Resources for the Soul and Body
The Science of Personal Strategies and Technologies – Defining new Developments in LIFE – The way we live, move, and have our being on earth
Vision – Direction – Stabilizing Influences – Grounded to Grow in Life applications – Life Resources for clear LIFE choices
Strategies and Logistics – Maximizing your Inner Resources for Maximum Living
Reforming {Transforming} Internal and Inward Representations – The Lingo that resides within U
Inner Thought and Inner Life in an External World – Internal an Eternal versus External Motivation – Renewing the Inward Man day by day
The True Nature of a True Natured Millionaire – For advancing the Kingdom and the Betterment of all Mankind – The creative spirit of generosity, ingenuity, and adventure, the bridge builder for helping one another to conceive and achieve in what we believe. The driving force whose true motivation is to serve in love.
Ambassadorial Diplomatic Congresses, Congressional Progressions, Summits and World Embassies: This is an important principle of moving from the dictates of an unchallenged view of traditional ministry to reshaping and redesigning our minds, motives, and mentalities into becoming ambassadors in the earth, humanitarians and movers and shakers in the sphere of influence God has graced us in. Moving from itinerate ministry to ambassadorial summits, regional summonings, and with progressive revelation of arresting, accessing, assessing, and advancing the nations through our given technologies, regional assignments, and contributing to the global destiny of planet earth...
Other courses of Kingdom Instrumentation and technologies
Reformed Kingdom Economics: There is a difference between a Christian Business and a Kingdom Business. In Reformed Kingdom Economics we bring to light that there is a spiritual and a natural economy. The economy of the Spirit is seriously important for the full fruition of economic calibrations and societal changes. The eternity of the Spiritual dimension is to become an overflow in the practical and natural states of mankind. All is good, done, complete, and finished from His 7th day, but it must become substance and tangibility, and incarnate word for practical kingdom lifestyle. From the Kingdom of God, the King of Kings, The King – Priest Ministry, and from Practical to Ultimate Kingdom, the Kingdom is a way of Life.
Rebuilding and Reshaping the World through the Kingdom: As our dear friend Apostle Ian Chellan, founder of the Global Transformation Institute in College Station, Texas and delegate and leader with the WBN of Trinidad {Dr. Noel Woodroffe} would say, "The Kingdom is the Real World!" Therefore, we are transforming mentalities into kingdom, transitioning mindsets into kingdom, the real deal, & the real world.
Kingdomology – The Kingdom in all spheres and phases of Life: A complete book shall be furnished upon completion of this course. More than required reading, it is a transformational manual of militant kingdom living
Creative Knowledge of Certificates and Degrees of Higher Learning: The Global School and Global Leadership Institute offers to graduate students creative Courses for completion such as Apostolic Technologies, Kingdom Instrumentation, Architectural Patterns and Designs, Kingdomology, Purpose and Destiny, Retooling Mechanisms, Global Apostolic Networking, Kingdom Systems and Operations, Structural Integrity and Technologies, Kingdom Implementation, Strategies, and Logistics, Kingdom Business Systems and Development, Transitioning and Migration, Navigational Properties, Steering Mechanisms, Melchisedec Administration, and...
We are also developing kingdom keys for public speaking, piercing, penetrating, and pioneering new developments in the social arena, and new driving mechanisms of kingdom purpose for kingdom advancement. We desire to train up a new leader-shift of 3rd Day people, Joseph – Daniel Companies, and Nehemiah’s for governmental presence and purpose. We are here not to fit but to change our world, to reshape today’s present culture into the governance and administration of the kingdom, the present truth dimension of progressive revelation and ongoing progressions of the Spirit, and the destiny of mankind.
Our core belief in the Global and Mobile Schools is that why should anyone have to endure years of what they really don’t need in order to get a degree when you could maximize and seize your moments by getting the personalized hands on transference over mere concepts?
Why should anyone eat 10 apples back to back getting flatulence when one can juice the apple to get the nutrition they need more efficiently? What if you took 3 dozen of vitamins, minerals, and herbs each day without the cells being scrubbed and recharged for boosted and optimum performance? What if someone tried to eat better and have not had the necessary detoxification needed in order for the vitamins and minerals to be absorbed most effectively in their blood stream? Without the proper dietary modification you may be wasting your money and time. Hebrews 6:5
Students don’t necessarily need another prologue and lecture of how eloquent the professor is. Students don’t need massive dialogue or discourse through conventional and non-illumined theories and concepts. Rather students are to be awakened from normalcy and to become unplugged from the system of chaotic thinking in order to vanquish beyond and to soar into the unlimited dimensions of the Father’s glory, returning from whence they came. Students need to eat spiritual food conducive to their natural environment {Eden – the Tree of LIFE}. Students need to eat that which pertains to their progression and destination. Like Elijah, he was fed at the brook Cherith by Ravens {30}, later by a widow woman {60} and a while afterwards by an Angel {100} in I Kings chapters 17-19.
The Woman in the Wilderness of Revelation 12 was nourished only because she was in her prepared place. In John 4 Jesus ate meat that no one knew of which was the WILL of God, and in John 6 Peter alludes to the simple truth that there is no where for them to go, for Jesus had the words to eternal life.
So beloved, consider being a part of the Global School of Ministry and the Global Leadership Institute International, and let us grow in quantum leaps, riding upon the high places of the earth and feeding from the heritage of Jacob. Isaiah 58:14: For further information {or, Transformation} please call Dr. Tim and Theresa Early @ 832-882-4594. Consider having a school {ing} and {re} tooling nearest you. Thousands have testified of what the school has become to and in them over the years, a dimensional shifting of the most glorious kind...Fees - tuition shall be assessed for all training opportunities. You get what you reward in LIFE...including education, training, etc. Where the treasure is, the heart is also...Openings are now, for travel, and local greater Houston area campuses...Dedicated to the OPEN Heavens in 2007, Open Heaven and Open Earth...We now release what is in our hand as the Lord releases what is in HIS.
Apostolic and Apocalyptic Blessings...
Dr. Tim and Theresa Early, servant leadership, apostles
FAP International {Ephesians 2:20-22}
Global Leadership Institute
Tim Early and Associates
C.U.S.H. Corporate Unction and Strategies Habitation
P.O. Box 1221 Cypress, Texas 77410
Labels: Empowerment, Lif Enrichment, Motivational, Training
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