5-Fold Progressive Revelation
5-Fold Progressive Revelation
Dr. Tim and Theresa Early...
1 - A Revelation of God
Daniel 11:32 {latter portion} - The people that do KNOW their God shall be strong and do exploits. {It is about Knowing HIM and making HIM Known}
God never sent the Son to talk about the Father. The Son did not send the Comforter to talk about Christ. And the Holy Spirit does not empower the saints to merely talk about the Holy Spirit. But to REVEAL...
The Principle of Present Truth is that I AM that I Am is also I AM that you are, for in John 4:17, as HE is, so are WE.
God knows HIMSELF within HIMSELF, he only knows GOD, and that LIFE which spring up out of HIM.
A revelation of God is essential in the producing or revealing revelation of His MAN in the earth
Jesus alludes, "I and my father are ONE, he that sees me has seen the father. I go to the father, the greater works of the Father. Phil. 2:5-11, he thought it not robbery to be equal with God...
Revelation of God, HIS unity His oneness, HIS counsel, mind, and heartbeat for planet earth, corrective judgments, His plan and purpose, simply, HIM
2 - A Revelation of Man {including the Man Christ}
Genesis 1:26, 28, prelude and precursor for DOMINION is the IMAGE of GOD
Let US, make MAN in our IMAGE, after our LIKENESS, producing DOMINION...
Genesis 5:2, He calls them both ADAM when he created them...husband and wife, dominion mandate
Psalms 8:5, Man made a little lower than the Elohim {Angels}, crowned with glory and honor...
1 John 3:8, for this Purpose the SON of God is Manifest to undo, paralyze, and to destroy the works of the evil one. Purpose MANIFESTED, destroys...
Man, born of GOD, he overcomes the world, a finished work mentality, a Done deal, we are changing our world through Dominion...John 5:4, whatsoever is Born of GOD, overcomes the world.
Revelation of MAN, Dominion, the Kingdom, HIS eternal Purpose and PLAN, Kingdom Agenda, give the 6 "A's" of the Kingdom Apostolic
3 - A Revelation of the Kingdom
The Kingdom is the real world, Kingdom Agenda, give the 6 "A's" of the Kingdom Apostolic, Mission, Message, Ministry, and mandate is KINGDOM,
Psalms 145:11-13, Speak of the Glory of HIS Kingdom
Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your DOMINION endures forever
God's Kingdom is established - Daniel 2:44, break into pieces and consume all other kingdoms, it shall stand forever
Christ and HIS CHRIST {Body} Given DOMINION, Glory, and a Kingdom - Daniel 7:14
Daniel 7:18, 22 The Saints Possess the Kingdom, the Kingdom produces the church...
Daniel 7:27, The Kingdom, Dominion, and Greatness of the Kingdom is given to the saints of the Most High, all Dominions serve the King and His Kingdom
Revelation 12:10, now is come Salvation, Strength, Kingdom of God, Power of HIS Christ, accuser is cast down, 4-fold initiative and release
Revelation 11:15, the Kingdoms of this world are become, the Kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ {Christ the Head, Christ the Body}
4 - A Revelation of the Church
The church does not produce the Kingdom, the Kingdom produces the church. Revelation of the kingdom makes manifest revelation of HIS church. Without Kingdom, there can be no church. Without the modeling and strategy of the King and His kingdom producing the church, our works will be ineffective in advancing the kingdom, or at least be slighted for what God really has in mind for the church.
Classic example of spiritual order, divine order, order of God which is HIS Divine order equals Divine Presence...Revelation 12 below...
Woman clothes with the son
Moon under her feet
Crowned with 12 Stars {Crowne Plaza Hotel where we are in right now, smile...}
This order produces the Manchild Ministry
If you reverse the order, or scramble things up, what do you produce or get?
Rebellion, Chaos, anarchy, confusion
Hebrews 12:27, all that can be shaken is removed, what remains and is stable is Kingdom, Isaiah 33:6
True spiritual order is proton, first things first, including apostles, prophets, teachers, after that...not aftermath...
Ephesians 4:11-16, to perfect, not defect, or infect...for the work of the ministry, to edify the BODY
Churches or metrons are simply to become kingdom communities, conduits and vehicles of expression to advance the kingdom...In Acts 28:31, preaching the KINGDOM of GOD, teaching those things which concerns the Lord Jesus Christ, thus, in the Spirit, Acts 29 and beyond...lol
5 - A Revelation of the Destiny of the Nations
Isaiah 25:7 "And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the veil that is spread over the nations.
Revelation chapters 21-22, New Jerusalem, the church in perfection and glory, a mature bride, preparing for the nations, the gates open continually, day and night...
Revelation of the Church, divine order, alignment to HIS assignment, moving with the cloud not with the crowd, His plan, His purpose, HIS Kingdom producing HIS church, brings release to the destiny of the nations. Prophetic Vision and Perception, Global Apostolic Reformation and transformation, saturation of the nations in the governance and administration of HIS Kingdom. Invading our present culture with kingdom culture, not church culture, or creeds, but Kingdom, King-Priest
Church is now in divine order, government of God, wisdom from above, Jerusalem from, from the heavenlies according to the pattern in Exodus 25:8-9, according to the Pattern the Lord revealed to Moses, and the glory follows the pattern...
Our intercession {Romans 8:19-27} perhaps the highest kind of intercession which becomes the manifestation of the sons of God to bring release of creation from captivity, bondage, futility, and corruption. The gospel of the Kingdom, go ye therefore teach all nations...Mt. 28
Isaiah 2:2-4, all nations to HIS mount, not just to our local House, HIS mount...
He will teach us of His ways, we will walk in His paths, and more...Micah 4:2-4
Isaiah 65 and 66, also 66:8, "Shall a nation be born at once?" Yes! When Zion travails, she brought forth her children, Romans 8:19-27
Meek inherit the earth, earth is the Lord's, created the earth to be inhabited, the pure nature and mind of God for HIS agenda of the earth, return to DOMINION mandate, Kingdom reign, rule, etc.
Just some scrap notes, from my archive of kingdom impartations. A book shall be formed in the future on these, thank you, enjoy, TNT
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